Sunday, July 25, 2010

Super Pussy! :D

What the fuck does this suppose to mean, I don't want to know.

By the way I just read Ammar's blog. It seemed that I've misjudged him. Lol. I'll be kind to him, I'll be kind to himmmmm yesyesyes stop rubbing it to my face, he is a good guy. He's like mak, I think. Has a warm heart but kept it inside.

Speaking of mak, I missed her sarcasm and her fish curry. Just the other day I went to Floria Putrajaya, and saw lots of orchids. I didn't think much of anyone else when I see orchids because mak is orchid like david belle is to parkour.

Okokok. Weird pics time!

That is scarier if seen live. Its as if my feet is...growing or something so it has to shed the old skin.

There goes your meal huh? XDD

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